The We Co. 

Each year, the company puts out a Global Impact Report to show its effect on the world, based on research and statistics. In 2019, our data showed more than positive impact–it alluded to a revolution at work–and we used this to advance the mission of the entire company.

We could see how people are moving to cities, seeking community, purpose, and the opportunity to be part of something greater than themselves. Around the world, WeWork members are creating an economic ripple effect, starting in neighborhoods and emanating outward.
We created this spot to tease the report and give context to the stats by highlighting three real member companies.

HR&A Advisors collected the data and then we created a graphic, data-rich report. See the whole thing here.

Then we made a bunch of animations and dropped in the stats to use for ads on social.
Results after 2 months:
—150k+ organic social video views
—20k+ sessions on the microsite
—2k+ report downloads
—56+ global press coverage stories
—2.7k+ blog post views

Partner/CD: Ryan Howard